What is it and how does it affect people's lives?

Cognitive function in older age is a topic of great importance and relevance in the field of health and wellness. As we age, it is natural for us to experience changes in our cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention, reasoning and problem solving. These changes can vary widely from person to person and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, lifestyle and general health.


One of the most notable aspects of cognitive function in older age is the tendency to experience a gradual decline in some areas. For example, it is common for older people to experience difficulty remembering new information, such as names, dates or specific details. This type of memory loss is often associated with normal aging and is known as mild cognitive impairment. However, in some cases, these changes can progress to more severe forms of cognitive impairment, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.


In addition to memory loss, many older people also experience difficulties with attention and concentration. They may have trouble staying focused on a task for extended periods of time or may be easily distracted by external stimuli. This can make it difficult to perform daily activities and can affect overall quality of life.


Reasoning and problem solving can also be affected in older age. Some older people may experience difficulty thinking clearly or finding solutions to complex problems. This can make it difficult to make important decisions and can lead to feelings of frustration or incompetence.


However, it is important to keep in mind that not all older people experience significant cognitive impairment. In fact, many people are able to maintain a high level of cognitive function well into old age and can continue to engage in intellectually challenging and meaningful activities.


In addition, there are strategies that older people can use to maintain and improve their cognitive function as they age. These may include regular exercise, a healthy diet, maintaining meaningful social relationships, engaging in intellectually stimulating activities, and managing underlying health conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes.


In summary, cognitive function in older age is an area of great interest and concern. While it is common to experience some changes in cognitive abilities as we age, it is important to watch for any symptoms of significant cognitive decline and seek help if necessary. With proper care and attention, many seniors can continue to enjoy a full and active life.

Efectos del ejercicio sobre la función cognitiva en edad avanzada

Effects of exercise on cognitive function in older adults

The recent study on the effects of exercise on cognitive function in older adults, conducted by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health and published in Dr. José López Chicharro’s exercise philosophy blog, highlights the importance of physical exercise as a tool to mitigate the decline of cognitive abilities in this demographic group. This study compared how aerobic exercise and strength training affect cognitive ability in older adults, revealing significant results. According to the meta-analysis conducted, both aerobic exercise and strength training were shown to improve cognitive function in older adults, recommending regular practice of both modalities to enhance cognitive ability, especially in older women.


These findings support the importance of continuing research on the impact of exercise on cognitive health in older adults. In this sense, the study under development, entitled “Evaluation of the use of Trak in improving the functional capacity of day center users: A study of therapeutic group exercise”, led by the Coordinator of the Rehabilitation Service of Matia Fundaziao in collaboration with the Trak Scientific Research team, focuses on exploring the effects of therapeutic group exercise using the Trak tool on the functional capacity of older adults with mild or moderate cognitive impairment. This multicenter study seeks to evaluate the impact of exercise on functional capacity, as well as to analyze cognitive, behavioral and psychoaffective variables, along with the usability and cost-effectiveness of Trak as a telecare tool. These research efforts are intended to advance the understanding of how therapeutic exercise can contribute to improving quality of life and functionality in older adults with frailty and cognitive impairment.

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