Monitor and evaluate progress with TRAK's cutting-edge technology.

Monitor and evaluate progress with state-of-the-art technology. Telerehabilitation has established itself as an essential tool in modern physiotherapy, enhanced by technological advances that optimize patient care and monitoring. Within this scenario, TrakPhysio is positioned as an essential ally for the contemporary physiotherapist.

Monitoriza y evalúa el progreso con tecnología puntera

1. High precision monitoring

Current reality: Intersession tracking, when manual, can lead to inaccuracies.


TrakPhysio capability: Through TRAK, real-time follow-up becomes a tangible reality. Up-to-date patient data is at your fingertips, enabling precise tailoring of therapies. In addition, TRAK’s ability to collect accurate metrics, such as exercise frequency and duration, gives a clear picture of patient engagement and commitment, a crucial factor in rehabilitation.

2. Intelligent reporting

Current reality: Reporting can be a tedious task.


TrakPhysio capability: With TRAK, report generation is automated and customized, providing a clear and technical view of the patient’s evolution. These reports not only show progress, but also identify areas for improvement and can be shared with other healthcare professionals, facilitating interdisciplinary care.

3. State-of-the-art exercise library

Current reality: Recommended exercises can be forgotten or misinterpreted.


TrakPhysio’s capability: TRAK has an extensive interactive library, allowing the physiotherapist to provide clarity and ensure correct execution of the routines by the patient. In addition, this library is constantly updated, incorporating the latest trends and rehabilitation techniques.

4. Dynamic feedback

Current reality: Limited feedback can be an obstacle in rehabilitation.


TrakPhysio’s capability: TRAK enables fluid communication, strengthening the therapist-patient relationship and enhancing the effectiveness of interventions. This two-way communication becomes a pillar for resolving doubts, adapting routines and ensuring that the patient feels supported in his or her process.

5. Advanced integration

Current reality: Managing data from different sources can be challenging.


TrakPhysio capability: TRAK integrates with other devices and applications, centralizing information and providing a comprehensive picture of the patient’s progress. This integration not only simplifies the work of the physical therapist, but also ensures that the patient has access to their data and can be an active player in their rehabilitation.

6. Adaptability and customization

Current reality: Generic tools may not meet the specific needs of each case.


TrakPhysio’s capabilities: TRAK offers multiple customization options, from exercise selection to setting up alerts and notifications. In this way, the physical therapist can tailor the tool to each patient’s exact needs, ensuring an individual-centered approach.


TrakPhysio, with its advanced technology, not only optimizes the practice of telerehabilitation, but also redefines the standards of quality and efficiency in the monitoring and evaluation of patients. The physiotherapy professional finds in TRAK an unequaled ally, a tool designed to enhance their work and benefit their patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to customize the reports generated by TRAK?

Yes, TrakPhysio allows the customization of reports, adapting them to the specific needs of each patient.

How does TRAK ensure correct exercise execution?

Through its extensive exercise library with videos and detailed instructions, it ensures that patients understand and properly perform each activity.

Can I integrate TRAK with other measuring devices?

Absolutely, TRAK is designed to integrate with a variety of devices and applications, offering simplified and unified data management.

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