Resistance exercises in physiotherapy


In the context of physiotherapy, endurance refers to the body’s ability to perform physical activities in a prolonged and efficient manner. In physiotherapy, different techniques and therapeutic exercises are used to improve endurance in different areas of the body.

In this blog, we will look at the importance of endurance in physiotherapy practice and how it can be improved through different therapeutic techniques and exercises.


The importance of endurance in physiotherapy

Resistance is a key factor in physiotherapy practice as it is a measure of the body’s ability to overcome an external load or force that opposes a movement, as well as enabling patients to maintain and improve their physical and functional capacity. Endurance can be affected by different factors such as age, disease, sedentary lifestyle and lifestyle. Decreased endurance can have negative effects on health, such as fatigue, muscle weakness and decreased cardiovascular capacity.

Endurance can be worked in different areas of the body, such as the muscles, the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system. Resistance work in physiotherapy is essential to improve the physical capacity of patients, as well as to prevent the onset of chronic diseases and reduce the risk of injury.



They can be classified into two types: high intensity and low intensity.

High intensity exercises are characterised by a higher energy demand and greater muscle stress, resulting in greater muscle hypertrophy. On the other hand, low intensity exercises focus on increasing cardiovascular endurance and fat burning.

This type of exercises include free-weight sets, in which you work with weights, dumbbells or barbells, and resistance exercises with weight machines. In these exercises, the load is adjusted to the individual’s capacity and a certain number of repetitions are performed to achieve the desired muscular hypertrophy.

On the other hand, low intensity resistance exercises focus on aerobic endurance exercises, such as cycling, swimming or running. The main objective of these exercises is to improve the cardiovascular and respiratory capacity of the individual, as well as to increase endurance and fat burning.


Examples of resistance exercises

  1. Weight training: Weight training focuses on the use of free weights or weight machines to develop muscular strength and endurance. In this type of training, a variety of weights and repetitions are used to achieve the desired muscular hypertrophy. Weight training can be performed with a variety of equipment, including barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells and others.
  2. Elastic band training: This type of exercise uses elastic bands to provide resistance to movement. Elastic bands can be used in a variety of exercises, including biceps curls, triceps extensions, glute kicks and lateral raises. In addition, elastic bands are an economical and versatile way to exercise as they are easy to transport and can be used for a variety of resistance exercises, such as stretching and leg, arm and abdominal exercises. Elastic band training is an excellent option for people looking to work out at home or who have limited space for weight training.
  3. Calisthenics: Calisthenics is a type of training that focuses on using one’s own body weight to develop muscular strength and endurance. Calisthenics exercises include push-ups, squats, sit-ups and crunches, among others. Calisthenics is an effective way to build muscular endurance without the need for equipment or weights.
  4. Cardiovascular endurance training: This type of training focuses on improving cardiovascular endurance through the use of aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercises include running, swimming, cycling, among others. Cardio endurance training is an excellent way to improve cardiovascular fitness, increase endurance and burn fat.
  5. Circuit training: Circuit training combines resistance and cardiovascular exercises in one workout. This is done with a series of stations in which different exercises with weights are performed, with the aim of working the whole body in one session. Circuit training is an effective way to increase muscular endurance and improve cardiovascular capacity. Circuit training can be performed anywhere and requires little or no equipment. Circuit workouts can include a variety of resistance exercises, such as push-ups, squats, lunges and sit-ups, along with cardiovascular exercises, such as jumping rope or running instead.
  6. Bodyweight training: This type of exercise is performed without the need for additional equipment. Bodyweight exercises include push-ups, squats, sit-ups and pull-ups, among others. These exercises can be adapted to different skill levels and can be performed anywhere.
  7. Stability ball resistance training: This type of exercise uses stability balls to work the core muscles of the body and improve balance and stability. Stability ball exercises include sit-ups, squats, push-ups and planks.

In short, there are a wide variety of resistance exercises that can be helpful in developing muscular strength and improving physical endurance. It is important to choose the type of training that best suits your training goals and needs, and to work with a health professional or personal trainer to create an effective and safe training plan.



Resistance training is an essential tool for improving physical endurance and cardiovascular health by improving physical and functional capacity and preventing the onset of chronic diseases and injuries. It is important to bear in mind that their practice should be supervised by a health professional or personal trainer, and that the intensity and type of exercise should be adjusted according to the specific training objective of each individual.

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