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629,1€ 50%
Promotion valid until November 25.
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Frequent questions
Trak is a telerehabilitation and monitoring application for healthcare professionals. It is a tool to prescribe therapeutic exercise programs and monitor the evolution of the patient with objective metrics.
In addition, Trak’s artificial intelligence is capable of identifying the patient’s joint points to offer virtual assistance.
Trak is a tool created by and for healthcare professionals. We work together with hospitals, clinics, doctors and physiotherapists to develop a product that meets the needs of everyday life.
If you have a health center and are interested in offering a digital rehabilitation service, Trak is your tool!
Trak is the tool that will help you organize your patients’ therapeutic exercise treatments.
You will be able to offer a digital service and manage a greater volume of patients. And most importantly, it ensures adherence to treatment of up to 70% to provide the highest quality of service to your patients.
Trak is a web application that works on any device with an internet connection. You just have to open the browser that you have configured and access
If you are not yet part of Trak, contact our team of experts, request a demo and join the digitization of healthcare.
Trak is a web application that works on any device with an internet connection that also has an APP. The patient will need to have a camera so that the artificial intelligence algorithm can identify the joint points.
The patient does NOT need any additional sensor or device, through the device’s camera we are able to identify movements
When you create the patient file, you will need to enter their email. Trak automatically sends access credentials to the patient via email.
We also take care of notifying you when it is your turn to do the exercise sessions.