Powerlifting & Physiotherapy: Webinar with Cristina Abando



How to monitor the treatment of your elite athletes telematically? 


That is the question answered by Cristina Abando, an expert in sports physiotherapy and powerlifting athlete in our webinar. Discover with us his methodology to prescribe and monitor treatments and therapeutic exercise programs through online physiotherapy.

What's inside?

It will teach you how to take the first steps to create a digital physiotherapy service

How to prescribe exercises telematically?

Sheduling and protocolization

How to direct the treatment of an elite athlete?

Powerlifting and its peculiarities

Who is the webinar for?

For healthcare professionals

If you are a healthcare professional and want to create a digital rehabilitation service, you cannot miss this content.

Where do I start to build my digital service? How do I manage it? What socio-economic benefits would it bring me?

Digital physiotherapy and therapeutic exercise: an integrative system…


“My training and experience consists mainly of work based on exercise, both programming and periodization of resistance exercise. I saw that this was not what they asked me for in the job offers and that it was really difficult for me to find a place where I fit in and where I could contribute the best of myself.

It is for this and other reasons that we decided to create our own online physiotherapy service.

Right now we work with a system in which we combine both video calls and attention via platforms, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.

We use questionnaires, and basically we are also relying on the content that we are generating, especially on the channel that we have, a brand that is the YouTube channel to provide patients or users with all the extra information that we consider useful.
This way what we do is an integrative system. We tried to contribute what I was telling you, not only physiotherapy or training, but we touched on the stick of habits, diet, rest.

We talk a lot with patients about stress, because we know perfectly well that it is a factor that in recent years I think has become even more revealing, that it greatly affects performance, greatly affects injury management. Needless to say if in the case of chronic pain, everything that is fear, stress, phobias, all that is already a separate issue.

What we do is schedule week by week to never leave anything to chance or leave the minimum.. From what I was telling you, if you schedule a month ahead, there are a lot of things that are going to be lost along the way.

There are a lot of circumstances that you cannot foresee that are going to happen and what we try to do is always keep ourselves as up-to-date as possible with the athletes so that we can be there accompanying them in every movement. In other words, we try to provide a service as close as possible within an online system.

We must educate both patients and professionals. We are very used to understanding that therapeutic exercise is stretching and the patient does not have to be moved. You have to ask for an effort. You have to try to progress.

It is a good prognostic factor for absolutely everything. It reduces the risk of mortality and contracting diseases from practically all causes that we have today in Western society.