Luis García Ordóñez: Digital Health, prevention and digital tools

What impact does digitalization have on occupational health and risk prevention?
Luis García Ordóñez, expert consultant in digital health and insurance, updates us on the state of the sector in terms of digitalization and talks to us about the impact of digital tools on occupational medicine.
What's inside?
A webinar in which we will relate the concept of prevention to that of gitalization
Who is the webinar for?
For occupational medicine professionals, mutual insurance company teams and insurance company managers
Occupational medicine and digitalization
Citing the definition of the Ministry of Labour, we could say that OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE is the medical speciality dedicated to the study of illnesses and accidents that occur as a result of or as a consequence of work activity, as well as the preventive measures that must be adopted to avoid them or reduce their consequences.
Occupational Medicine is a medical speciality whose main objectives are the learning of knowledge, techniques and skills related to:
The prevention of risks that may affect human health.
The pathologies derived from work, in its three main aspects of accidents at work, professional illnesses and work-related illnesses.
The expert assessment of the consequences of occupational pathology.
Business and health organisations with the aim of understanding their typology in order to manage occupational health with greater quality and efficiency.
The natural history of health and illness in general.
It is a complex field whose maximum representation in our country lies in the figure of the mutual societies or Mutuas Colaboradoras con la Seguridad Social, which are in charge of managing the professional contingencies of the personnel in the service of the associated employers.
Perhaps it is appropriate to shed some light on the importance of the role played by these entities in terms of numbers: according to the latest report published by the Spanish government, the total number of accidents at work in the first quarter of 2022 was 274,993, 53.63% of which were accidents that caused the worker to take time off work. This is just an indication of the magnitude of resources devoted to clinical care in occupational health.
In addition to medical consultations and nursing services, physiotherapy is a fundamental part of a mutual insurance company’s care service, since its function is to return the patient to an optimal functional state to resume his or her activity.
It is for this reason that the role of digitalization in this field is becoming more and more important, guaranteeing a reduction in the number and duration of sick leaves that occur in our country. Especially those known as “common contingency”.